Digital Storytelling 4: Ethical and Accessible Digital Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool, and it’s our responsibility to wield that tool wisely. In my last blog, I wrote about the importance of obtaining permission before using any digital materials like music and images. That’s a great start! But if we want to be ethical storytellers in the digital age, there are a lot more considerations to take into account. 

The language we choose, the images we create, and the stories we tell can have real repercussions on people’s lives. In my opinion, the folks at Ethical Storytelling, a nonprofit dedicated to “gather[ing] and learn[ing] as a community of nonprofit practitioners and storytellers how to integrate a new standard of storytelling,” have got it right. They’ve put together a pledge that outlines how to tell a compelling story responsibly. Here are some ways to ensure you’re being genuinely inclusive and welcoming as you tell your tale. 

Putting People First

Always ask yourself if you’re prioritizing the dignity and agency of the individuals whose stories you’re telling. Whose narrative is leading the way? Whose perspective? Unless you’re telling your own tale, it’s incumbent upon you to make sure you’re telling other’s stories the way they want them to be told, rather than how you choose to represent them. Always strive for a posture of humility and learning as you gather and tell stories. Acknowledge that there's always more to understand, and be open to the inevitable (and beautiful) growth that happens along the way. This also means checking the content you create several times over to ensure every word, image, or video is accurate, respectful, and aligns with the values you espouse.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

When you’re crafting a story to share, make sure everyone is welcome to take part! This means cultivating an awareness of the ways in which language, still images, and video can impact how welcome (or not) people feel in a digital space. It also means considering all the ways in which people of varying abilities may interact with your content. Consider the cultural and societal connotations of the language and imagery you use. Avoid phrases or visuals that may perpetuate harm or reinforce stereotypes

If you don’t know much about a specific community, make sure to get the input of someone (or a few someones) from that community before posting anything that purports to represent them. In order to make your digital stories accessible to all audiences, including those with disabilities, make sure to follow accessibility guidelines for fonts, colors, and imagery and to provide alternative formats such as transcripts and closed captions for videos. For example, alternative text for images ensures that those using screen-readers can understand the visuals that go along with a text-based post. 


Telling one story is great. But it’s your overall storytelling strategy that’s truly going to make a change. Your strategy defines how you will reach your objectives with a target audience in service of a greater goal. In essence, that means this is really a hypothesis you constantly test. So, what kind of stories do you hypothesize will help you reach your objectives with your target audience? How do you bring your values into your overall strategy?

As you start dreaming of your stories, go back to the beginning and name your goal. Then determine your audience and nail down your objectives and KPIs. Describe the challenge (in detail!), put words to the choices, and be clear about the outcomes you want to achieve. At every opportunity, try to connect the story you’re developing to the values that drive your organization. 

From there, get creative! Digital storytelling is a fun, multimedia opportunity to capture the hearts and minds of the people you seek to serve. And it’s a lot of fun, too. So get started! 

Digital storytelling doesn’t have to be scary! It can be a fun, multimedia opportunity to capture the hearts and minds of the people you seek to serve. To learn more about how Tiny Windows Consulting can help you realize your online storytelling dreams, reach out to us today and book a consultation.


Chesed: Kindness in Digital Marketing


Digital Storytelling 3: Bringing the Colors Out